what is twisting in insurance
this is Tom Doldon I'm a nationally
recognized insurance expert and today
we're gonna answer the question of what
is twisting in insurance the first thing
I'm going to tell you is that twisting
is illegal twist enos is is sort of like
a bait and switch tactic and it's used
mostly in life insurance it's where one
life insurance agent in an effort to
induce you to bring your life insurance
over to them will try to get you to
cancel another policy and move your new
policy over to them using
misrepresentations and lies so
twisting is is somebody who is unethical
trying to get you to move your life
insurance to another one that appears to
be very similar yet they've used
misrepresentations and fraud in order to
get you to do that twisting is illegal
in I I would say every situation of
changing life insurance it is a
requirement the state every state
requires that you fill out some sort of
information and acknowledge what the
pros and the cons the advantages and the
disadvantages are for you making that
switch you can no longer just make a
switch of one insurance to another
without filling something out that the
agent has given to you don't fall for
twisting make sure that you are doing
everything in your power to make sure
that if you're canceling one policy to
go someplace else that you are
completely aware of the advantages and
the disadvantages and know that the
benefits and the words that were used by
that other life insurance agent are in
fact true this has been Dan Whedon today
we've talked about what twisting in insurance
is we'll see you next time you